Pallavi got the 2nd Prize in Chandragupta Sahitya Mahotsav

Education | MGCUB

Pallavi, a student from Department of Media Studies, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, got the second prize in essay writing at the Chandragupta Sahitya Mahotsav , Patna.

The competition was categorized in three categories – matriculation & inter, graduate & post graduate and research scholars. There were three prizes in each categories in this way a total 9 prizes were distributed to the winners. The winners were also given mementos and prize money.

On this occasion, at the closing ceremony, Patna Sahib MP Ravi Shankar Prasad awarded Pallavi Kumari with a memento and a prize money of eleven thousand rupees.

Department of Media Studies always do great since from the begining – Vice Chancellor

On this achieved Honorable Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. Anand Prakash congratulates and wished her a better future. He said that such performance of the student of media studies department in the state level competition is an indicator of the quality education of the department.

This success will become a source of inspiration for other students – Dr. Jha

Dr. Anjani Kumar Jha, HoD, Media Studies Department Conveyed his best wishes on this success, said that the success of the students of the department in any competition is a matter of pride for the entire department. This success will become a source of inspiration for other students studying in the department. Along with this assistant professors of the department Dr. Parmatma Kumar Mishra, Dr. Saket Raman, Dr. Sunil Deepak Ghodke and Dr. Uma Yadav, students and research scholars also conveyed their best wishes to Pallavi.

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