India is the mother of democracy: Constitution Day

Education | Edu Correspondent

Under the aegis of Faculty of Social Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Bihar, two special lectures were organized on the theme “India: Mother of Democracy” on the occasion of Constitution Day on 26 November 2022. This program was organized Under the guidance of Professor Anand Prakash, Vice-Chancellor, MGCU and chaired by Prof. Pranaveer Singh, Proctor, MGCU.

Program coordinator Prof. Sunil Mahawar, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Bihar welcomed everyone. While having the welcome speech, Prof. Mahavar said that it is absolutely necessary for the present and future generations to know and preserve the rich tradition of democracy. It is the responsibility of youth and researchers to preserve the rich heritage of democracy.

Working life is the pivot of a healthy society – Prof. K.T.S. Sarao

As a special speaker, Prof. K.T.S. Sarao presented his speech on the democracy present in ancient Indian Buddhism. Pro. Sarao said that the origin of democracy which is claimed in the West is not the complete truth, there are indications of the origin of democracy in India which is even older than the concept of the West. All the processes of parliamentary democracy were present in the governance systems that were there during Buddha’s time. He said that at the root of democracy is equality, liberty and fraternity, which can be seen in ancient Buddhist traditions. The religion of man is the sensitivity towards the dignity and existence of the individual. Working life is the pivot of a healthy society.

Pro. Vishwanath Mishra said that along with rights, awareness and observance of duties is necessary. Modern society is a mechanical society. Human existence can be saved from crisis only by imitating and following dutifulness. He believed that the Fundamental Duties were implicitly included in the Constitution from the beginning, though they were included in the Constitution in 1976 as a specific part.

India is the mother of knowledge – Prof. Pranveer Singh

Giving the presidential address, Prof. Pranveer Singh said that India is the mother of knowledge. India is the origin of the light of all the knowledge and disciplines of the world. There is a need to return to our roots and re-establish India as a world leader. The vote of thanks was given by Dr. Jugal Kishore Dadhich, Head, Department of Gandhi and Peace Studies, the program was conducted by Dr. Sridhar Satyakam, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics and the verbal forum was conducted by Dr. Dinesh Vyas, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology.

In the program Prof. Prasun Dutt Singh, Dean, Faculty of Humanities, Dr. Kailash Chandra Pradhan, Head, Department of Economics and Dr. Sujit Kumar Chowdhary, Head, Department of Sociology actively participated. Professors, associate professors, assistant professors, research scholars, students of various departments of the university physically participated many participants from different states of the country make their presence in the program through a virtual platform. The program ended with the national anthem.

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