Brahmakund which known as hot spring of Rajgir

Education | About Ragir

Rajgir, a city in the Indian state of Bihar, is a popular tourist destination due to its historical and religious significance. Some of the most popular attractions in Rajgir include:

  1. Rajgir Hot Springs: These natural hot springs are believed to have medicinal properties and are a popular spot for visitors.
  2. Vulture’s Peak: A hilltop that is believed to be the site where the Buddha delivered many of his sermons.
  3. Gridhakuta Hill: Another hilltop that is considered to be one of the most important Buddhist pilgrimage sites in India.
  4. Saptaparni Cave: This cave is believed to be the site where the first Buddhist council was held after the Buddha’s death.
  5. Venuvana: A monastery that was built by King Bimbisara for the Buddha and his monks.
  6. Ajatashatru Fort: This fort was built by King Ajatashatru, who was the ruler of Rajgir during the time of the Buddha.

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