65th All India English Teachers Conference held at Rajgir Nalanda

Education | Edu Correspondent

Department of English, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, East Champaran invited to perform a play on the occasion of the Cultural Eve of 65th All India English Teachers’ Conference, held at International Convention Centre, Rajgir Nalanda. The Faculties, Research Scholars, and PG Students of Dept. of English reached at Nalanda on November 24 , 2022 and enjoyed the classical dance, music, etc. on the cultural eve of the day.

Consequently, the next day, November 25, 2022, faculties and Research Scholars presented their research papers in the different technical sessions. Such as, HoD, English, Dr. Bimlesh K Singh chaired a session and also Poetry ; presented his paper : Treatment of Indian Philosophy in the English Dr. Kashyap Deepak: Can Valmiki Become a Poet?: Literary Heist in the poetry of Dayachand Mayna; Tapas Sar kar: Identity and Contradiction: Revisiting Partition History, Memory, and Trauma Through Jibanananda Das; Suraj Jaiswal: The Unseen Human Mind: Exploring the Concept of William James’ A Stream of Education: A Study of Sengupta’s ; Krishna Kumar: Challenges for Women’s Keats Was A Tuber Session ; and Jay Kumar: Antiand Tendulkar’s Silence! The Court is in Caste Aesthetics in the Films of Pa Ranjith: Gaze and Imaginations.

In the evening, on the same day, they performed a play Harishchandra: The Truthful King, Directed by Dr. Umesh Patra, Assistant Professor, Dept. of English. In the play, artists were as follows; Research Scholars: Krishna Kumar as Harishchandra; Jay Kumar as Minister; Suraj Jaisw al as Indra; Tapas Sarkar as Vishwamitra; and PG Students: Simran Shushama as Sabya; Jahanvi as Tara; Prince Madhav as Nata; and Sanjana as Nati along with the play Sanjana, Prince Madhav, and Suraj Jaiswal also performed a Draupadi Act.

All the performers were praised by the different professors, research scholars, and other delegates of the conference for the wonderful performance of the play and the Act along with the same they got a golden opportunity to meet renowned literary scholars from all over India. They had a conversation with Prof. Labh, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Nava Nalanda Mahavihar, who praised the team of the play and Draupadi Act performers and blessed them for their mindblowing performance.

They also had a conversation with Dr. Shiv Kumar Yadav, the Chairman and Dr. Vikash Sharma, the General Secretary of the AESI and both of them encouraged them to keep their hard work up, also congratulated for the amazing performance of the play.

Similarly, on November 26, 2022, they visited different t ourist places in Rajgir and Nalanda: the Ruins of Nalanda and its Museum, Suryakund, Brahmkund, Japani Temple, Naulakha Mandir, etc. and with that they witnessed the unique and great cultural and traditional aura of Bihar. Dr. Bimlesh K Singh, Head, Dept. of English, MGCUB and other faculty members of the dept. encouraged and blessed all the research scholars and students for their dedication and hard work for the play performance and their paper presentation. Dept. of English, MGCUB congratulates all the Faculty members, Research Scholars, and PG Students for their great achievement in the conference.

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